
Help Build a Place of Worship and Community Centre for Chadwell Heath

Campaign Description

CHEACS’s objective is to serve a diverse community and has become a trusted and dependable focal point for a range of spiritual, social, cultural, educational and training needs and activities. 
Its values of moderation, tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness have enabled it to become a hub for local Muslims.

Our vision is to create a thriving Masjid that serves as the heart of our community. 

We are currently in the process of building Grove Community Centre and stage one is the construction of a wudu area and the purchase of prayer carpet. 

By donating to this cause, you will be contributing towards the construction and maintenance of a Masjid that will serve as a sacred space for Muslims to gather, pray, and connect with each other and Allah.

However, we need your help to achieve our goal of raising £50,000 to help with this initial phase. Your generous contributions will enable us to:

A pray mat unit = £150.00

A unit of the wudu area = £150.00

We only need 333 members of our community to donate £150.00 to achieve our target or 166 people to donate £300. 

We appreciate that with the high cost of living it is tough for some people. That’s why we encourage those that can afford it to donate more and those who can’t to contribute what they can.

In a hadith from Abu Hurairah (may Allah blesses him), that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) says,

مَا نَقَصَتْ صَدَقَةٌ مِنْ مَالٍ وَمَا زَادَ اللَّهُ عَبْدًا بِعَفْوٍ إِلاَّ عِزًّا وَمَا تَوَاضَعَ أَحَدٌ لِلَّهِ إِلاَّ رَفَعَهُ اللَّهُ

“Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another but that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status”
[Saheeh Muslim]

Your support will not only have a lasting impact on the lives of our community members, but it will also serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations. 

We encourage you to share our mission with your friends, family, and colleagues and invite them to join us in building a brighter future for our community. Every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to achieving our vision.

Together, we can create a legacy for generations to come.

Jazakalla khair

Help Build a Place of Worship and Community Centre for Chadwell Heath


One prayer mat unit


One unit of the wudu area













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e.g: 123

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Top Donors

Ola Assan
Anisah Ahmed
Nadeem Mohammed
Chan Mohammed